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Blister Prevention - How to apply blister prevention pads | PelliTec®

How to apply blister prevention pads from PelliTec® distributed by ALGEOS PelliTec® is a novel blister prevention pad developed in the United Kingdom that uses Silipos gel. The unique 6 Layer Blister Prevention Pad that protects against blisters caused by friction. Sticks to your insole or shoe, not your skin! Product Features & Benefits: The unique and breathable sandwich construction of PelliTec® moves with your foot, significantly reducing the friction that causes blisters. - Wicks away moisture, reducing the risk of infection. - Instantly relieves pressure and pain. - Stays firmly in place in footwear or insole until removed. - Proven to be effective in reducing the occurrence of blisters and helping them heal amongst walkers, athletes, sports players and military personnel. - Durable and water resistant. - CE Mark #HowTo #BlisterPrevention