
Diaped Brochure - 2015

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17 A dual function screening device with replaceable monofilaments. A diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy cannot be excluded without regular foot screening in conjunction with symptomatic and clinical assessments. Neuropen is an effective aid to a screening programme, exceeding current practices by being a pocket sized device designed to provide a safe and reliable test. Dual purpose (1) The calibrated spring mechanism exerts a force of 40g to help assess patients' blunt/sharp response. (2) Monofilament test for assessing protective touch/pressure sensation. • Neuropen tests essential protective functions of blunt/sharp discrimination and sensory perception of the feet • Easily removable and disposable neurotips to avoid infectious cross contamination. • Monofilament can be easily removed and replaced without replacing the whole device. • Simple, safe, non-invasive, economical and rapid test of two important protective functions of the feet Diaped monofilaments are a reliable, cost effective method of testing for the presence or absence of protective sensation, thereby identifying patients at risk of developing Diabetic foot ulcers. Sensory testing used in conjunction with ongoing physician care is a simple way to help decrease the incidence of foot ulcerations and amputations. Monofilaments are 'user friendly', enabling patients to actively participate in their care. Diaped Monofilaments are manufactured and tested to meet the specified tolerances allowed by the Bureau of Primary Health Care/Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention Program (LEAP). All Diaped Monofilaments are tested using in-line precision to ensure the 10g force. Each Monofilament is fixed to a sensory testing instruction card, that can be marked accordingly by the clinician or patient. Diaped Monofilaments are sold in packs of 25 and supplied in sealed packs. Neuropen ® Diaped Monofilaments Monogripper Code Description NV0590 Neuropen w/Monofilament & Neurotip NV0591 10g Neuropen Filaments (5) NV0593 Neurotips (100) NV0594 Monofilament 10g Code Description Quantity NV0992 10g Monofilament 25 Code Description NV0994 Monogripper For use with the Diaped Monofilament, the Monogripper provides an easy to hold, easy to use, permanent handle for testing. This sturdy ergonomic design makes it extremely easy in the handling of our disposable monofilament. 1 2 Diagnostics

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